Submission date and penalties of Annual Returns (HE32)

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The Department of the Registrar of Companies and Intellectual Property announced that in accordance with the Companies (Amendment) Law 2022, N.87(I)/2022, dated June 24, 2022, the maximum total charge for Annual Reports with a date of compilation within the years 2021 and 2022, will not exceed €150 for each violation. This will be valid until December 31, 2024. From 01/01/2025, the annual reports for the years 2021 & 2022 will have a maximum monetary charge of €500. In the case where the reference date of the annual report is for the year 2023 (i.e. from 01/01/2023 onwards) and thereafter, the…

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UBO Registry and imposition of fines

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The Department of the Registrar of Companies and Intellectual Property, following its announcement on the Functioning of the Register of Beneficial Owners in the interim solution, dated 08/05/2022 and in view of the forthcoming implementation of the final solution of the electronic system of the Register of Beneficial Owners, which is expected around the end of October 2023, invites all companies incorporated or registered under the Companies Law, Chapter 113, if they have not already done so, such as by September 30, 2023 register the details and information of their beneficial owners in the Register in order to avoid the…

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Provisional Tax 2022 – 2nd instalment

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Deadline for the 2nd instalment: 31st December 2022 According to the Cyprus Income Tax Law, all Cypriot tax resident companies that expect to have taxable income for the year 2022, must proceed with the submission and payment of the provisional tax for the 2nd instalment of 2022. 31st December 2022 – Due Date for the payment of 2nd instalment All companies have the right to revise their taxable income at any time before the 31st December 2022 ending up in Upward Revision, Downward Revision or No revision at all from the initial Temporary Tax submitted for the year 2022. In…

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Cyprus Residency by Investment

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Legal Framework In pursuance of the provisions of Regulation 6(2) of the Aliens and Immigration Regulations, the Minister of Interior, having notified the Council of Ministers, has decided to issue an Immigration Permit to third country applicants, in cases of investments that meet the requirements of this policy.  The applicant must meet one of the investment criteria in Section 2.1, as well as the quality criteria in Section 3 below. It is noted that the money that will be used for the investment must be proven to have been transferred to Cyprus from abroad. Investment Criteria The applicant must invest at…

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New Transfer Pricing Rules in Cyprus

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On 30 June 2022, a package of measures containing comprehensive transfer pricing (“TP”) requirements for businesses has been voted into law by the Cyprus House of Representatives. The measures are in line with the recommendations of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) within the framework of Action 13 of the Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS) project. The new rules have been implemented via amendments to the Cyprus Income Tax Law (ITL) and the issuance of Regulations. The Assessment and Collection of Taxes Law has also been amended to introduce penalties for non-compliance with the new TP documentation…

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1. Reduction of the administrative penalties for late submission of Annual Returns (HE32) The House of Representatives has recently voted amendments regarding the penalty imposed from the late submission of Annual Returns (HE32) to the Department of Registrar of Companies.According to Cyprus Companies Law, all Cyprus companies are obliged to file Annual Returns to the Registrar of Companies, which must be accompanied by the Company's financial statements of the previous year.Further to the new amendments, Cyprus Companies that fail to submit the Annual Return on time will have a reduction of the maximum penalty from EUR 500 to EUR 150.The…

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DEFINITION OF A TRUST Incorporating an international trust provides a variety of financial planning opportunities. The use of the Trust as a vehicle of International Tax planning and business structuring is constantly growing. Trusts are used today more than ever before in a myriad of circumstances, many of which would have been impossible to conceive at the time the concept was originally formed.  THE TRUST The concept of a trust is legally defined as a relationship created during one’s lifetime or upon death by a person (the settlor) who places assets under the control of another person (the trustee) for…


CYPRUS RESIDENCY: New legislation: No Minimum Amount of Investment is required!

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The Council of Ministers approved on October 15th 2021, the “Strategy for Attracting Businesses for Activities or/and Expansion of their Activities in Cyprus”. The strategy includes a series of actions and reforms in several areas of intervention, aiming to enhance Cyprus position as an international high-growth business centre. ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA Eligible businesses must meet the following criteria: Third-country shareholders should own the majority of the company’s shares. OR In cases where the percentage of foreign participation in the company’s share capital is equal to or less than 50% of the total share capital, in order for the company to be…

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FUNDS (Alternative Investment Funds)

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Cyprus has been one of the first EU countries to transpose the Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive into law. Further to this, it now offers an effective and flexible legislative framework for all types of Investment Funds. How can we help ? Choosing the right form of your AIF We examine the alternative forms that the fund can take so that it meets your requirements. Preparation of the application package: We can prepare the full application package that needs to be submitted to the Regulator. During this process, our experienced team will advise you on how better to structure your…

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